Book of the Month: The Uninhabitable Earth

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I have talked to quite a few people over the last month who have loved ones that have been affected by the recent wildfires on the west coast. It breaks my heart that people are losing their homes, belongings and even some loved ones from these fires. As I have researched why the fires are so bad this year, person after person says that global warming is a contributing factor amongst other causes of why there have been record fires in the US (and around the world). 

As I have tried to chew on the research that I have found, I keep being reminded of a book that I read earlier this year called, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells. In his book, David uses his background in journalism to dig into the topic of global warming and how it can affect us in the near future if we don’t take drastic actions. For those readers on the fence about global warming, this book can be a great launching point into researching the topic more thoroughly. 

Like always, if you choose to read this book, I would encourage you to ask yourself the following questions as you read:

  1. What is something new that I learned from this book?

  2. Did a concept or idea challenge you in any way?

  3. Are there any points, ideas, or concepts of inspiration?

  4. Is there any idea or concept that I can implement in my life?

If you decide to read and discuss the book with your friend(s), be sure to use the hashtag #teachlistenlove so I can be a part of your journey!